Remodeling Care -- $12.5 million Building & Expansion project
Hillsboro Medical Center Grand Opening ~ Summer 2008

Building for you Today...Caring for you Tomorrow Building Campaign
Telephone : 701-636-4501 / FAX : 701-636-3206
- Address : 12 Third Street SE - PO BOX 609 - Hillsboro, ND 58045
Email : General Information
To place a RELAY call (TTY), please dial 1-800-366-6888
To place a RELAY call (voice users), please dial 1-800-366-6889.
The Hillsboro Medical Center is part of the Traill-Steele County Service Providers' Network.
If you have a health or human service need, staff can contact other providers who can help
you. There are over 30 agencies which participate. "Hillsboro Medical Center is an equal opportunity provider, and employer"
April 16, 2004 HMC's phone prefix was changed to #636. The previous prefix was #436.
Hillsboro Medical Center Groundbreaking May 2007
